एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Promotion /Placement

6th pay 

Placement /Promotion under the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS)

From Stage 1 to2: Assistant Professor/ equivalent cadre (AGP 6000 to AGP 7000)

Minimum requirements PBAS Assessment System  
Assistant Professor in Stage 1 and completed four years of service with PhD Category 1:Teaching learning Evaluation related activities Through Screening committee Percentage distribution of Weightage points in the expert assessment: (total Weightage : 100; minimum required for promotion is 50)
5 Years of service with M. Phil /PG in professional courses such as L.L.M., M.Tech., M.Vsc., M.D Category 2:Co curricular Extension and profession related activities    
Six years of service without M.Phil/PhD in Professional courses Category 3: Research and academic contribution    
One Orientation and one Refresher / Research Methodology Course of 2/3 weeks duration Document used for calculation of API for category 3 to be verified    
  Category 1 and 2 provided for the current academic year verification not required if signed by the Head, IQAC and principal    

From Stage 2 to3: Assistant Professor/ equivalent cadre (AGP 7000 to AGP 8000)

Minimum requirements PBAS Assessment System  
Assistant Professor in Stage 2 and completed five years of service. Category 1:Teaching learning Evaluation related activities Through Screening committee Percentage distribution of Weightage points in the expert assessment: (total Weightage : 100; minimum required for promotion is 50)
One course/ Programme from among the refresher courses/ Methodology workshops/ development/faculty development of minimum two weeks duration Category 2:Co curricular Extension and profession related activities    
  Category 3: Research and academic contribution    
  Document used for calculation of API for category 3 to be verified    
  Category 1 and 2 provided for the current academic year verification not required if signed by the Head, IQAC and principal    

From Stage 3 to4: Assistant Professor to Associate Professor (AGP 8000 to AGP 9000)

Minimum requirements PBAS Assessment System  
Assistant Professor in Stage 3 and completed three years of service. Category 1:Teaching learning Evaluation related activities   Percentage distribution of Weightage points in the expert assessment: (total Weightage : 100; minimum required for promotion is 50)

At least three publications in the entire period as Assistant Professor

Category 2:Co curricular Extension and profession related activities   30% contribution to Research 50% Assessment of domain knowledge and teaching practices 20% Interview performance
One course/ Programme from among the refresher courses/ Methodology workshops/ Training teaching learning evaluation/ Technology programmes/ Soft skill development/ Faculty development of minimum one week duration Category 3: Research and academic contribution    
  Document used for calculation of API for category 3 to be verified    
  Category 1 and 2 provided for the current academic year verification not required if signed by the Head, IQAC and principal    


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