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3. Therapeutic and Nutritional Delination of Dioscorea bulbifera L., International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology., Vol. 1, Issue 12., 2018, P.N. 85-95
4. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring in Nashik City 2017, (Maharashtra, India), Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics., Vol. 9, Issue 04., 2019, P.N. 1111-1117
5. Study of Rhizosphere mycoflora of Onion from Chandwad tehsil of Nashik district (M.S.), International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, Volume 8, Issue 2 June 202, Vol. 8, Issue 02., 2021, P.N. 215-220
6. Impact of distillery effluents on growth characteristics of Capscicum annum L. (Chilly) plant, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 8, Issue 2 June 2021, Vol. 8, Issue 02., 2021, P.N. 244-249
7. Ethnobotanical survey on folk medicinal plants of Igatpuri Tehsil, district Nasik, Maharashtra state., International Journal of Botany Studies., Vol. 7, Issue 02., 2022, P.N. 362-367
8. Investigation of ‘African tulip tree-calyx water’ as a novelSource water, food and medicine., Science, Technology And Development Journal., Vol. 11, Issue 02., 2022, P.N. 442-451
9. Nutritional profiling of wild edible fruits of Meyna laxiflora Robyns., International Journal of Botany Studies., Vol. 07, Issue 02., 2022, P.N. 368-373
10. Preliminary Phytochemical analysis and Antimicrobial Potential of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb)Wight &Arn., International Journal of Botany Studies., Vol. 07, Issue 03., 2022, P.N. 136-141
11. Ethanomedicinal potential of Salher-Mulher forest Nashik district (Maharashtra)., International Journal of Botany Studies., Vol. 07, Issue 03., 2022, P.N. 68-71