Patents :
No Patents credited to my name so far.......
Ph.D. Guidance :
1. I have registered for Ph.D. in English in January 2015.
2. Doing Doctoral Research from Savitribai Phule Pune University in Regular Mode on the subject --"The Protagonists in Select Bildungsromane in English: A Psychosocial Study"
Major/ Minor Research Project :
No sponsored research so far.....
Course Conducted :
1. A Two Day State Level workshop on "Recent Trends in Soft Skills Training".
Other :
1. Looking after "MVP YUVASPANDAN" as a Convener. It is a grand Cultural Competition initiated by MVP.
2. Contributing in Arts Circle as a Chairman from last 2 years.
3. Performing a role of a Chairman of Soft Skills Development Cell of KTHM College from last 4 years.
4. Working as a Member of Criterion II of IQAC, KTHM College.