एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Faculty Profile

Faculty Name :
Dr. Gunjal Rajendra Pandurang
Specialization :
Date Of Birth :
Email :
Phone :
Mobile :
Address :
Department of Geography, K.T.H.M. College, Nashik-2

  Qualification :

Sr. No Degree University / Institution Grade Year of Passing Specialization
1. B.A   Ist class with Distinction 1991 Geography
2. M.A University of Pune Ist class 1993 Geomorphology
3. M.Phil Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune Ist class 2008 Climatology
4. Ph.D. Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune - 2016 Climatology


 Experience :

Name  & Address of Employer Post Held Period of service Nature of Duties
M.V.P. Samaj, Nashik-2 Asst. Professor From 13 Aug. 1994 till date Teaching, Learning, Administration, Co-curricular activities etc.


 Papers In International Refereed Journals :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1. Rajendra Gunjal Identification of droughts and floods in India Vidyavarta - - 2018


2. Rajendra Gunjal and Pramodkumar Hire On the future changes in rainfall of the Nashik district, Maharashtra Current global reviewer - - 2018 115-117
3. Rajendra Gunjal  Trend analysis of annual rainfall over India Current global reviewer - - 2018


4. Rajendra Gunjal Analyzing Rainfall Variability of India in climate Change Scenario Research Journey - - 2018 65-69
5. Rajendra Gunjal and Pramodkumar Hire rainfall Distribution in the Tapi basin during 1901-2004 Persuit - II 2014 39-44
6. Rajendra P. Gunjal ·Uttam V. Pawar · Pramodkumar S. Hire ·  Archana D. Patil
Modeling of magnitude and frequency of floods on the Narmada
River: India
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment - - 2020 01
7. Rajendra P. Gunjal Study of rainall variability over India in climate change scenario Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 7 1 2020 532-537


 Papers In National Refereed Journals :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1. Anwat V.K., Hire P.S., Pawar U.V., Gunjal R.P. Analysis of Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Damanganga Basin: Western India Hydrospatial Analysis 5 1 2021 1-11


 Papers In International Conference :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1. Rajendra P. Gunjal and Pramodkumar S. Hire Investigation of excessive rainfall events of the Nashik District: Maharashtra (India) International conference on economics, humanities, social sciences and environmental issues
Goa 26-27 May 2012
2. Rajendra Gunjal Investigation of Monsoon Rainfall of the 20th century Over the Tapi Basin International conference on climate change and its effects on biodiversity, commerce and economics.
Sonai, Dist. Ahemadnagar

28-29 Feb. 2020


3.  Rajendra Gunjal  Long-Term Oscillations in Rainfall and Floods in the Narmada Basin: Central India. International conference on Resource Management for Inclusive Development. Akole, Dist. Ahemadnagar  14-15 Feb. 2020
4. Rajendra Gunjal  Spatio-Temporal Oscillations in Rainfall and Floods Associated with Low Pressure Systems and Global Teleconnections in the Narmada Basin: Central India. International e- Conference on Geography for People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace. S.P.P. University, Pune  04-06 Oct. 2021


 Papers In National Conferenc :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1. Rajendra P. Gunjal and Pramodkumar S. Hire Detection of Changes in the annual rainfall of the Nashik District: (Maharashtra, India) Sustainable
development an interdisciplinary approach


5-7 Jan. 2006

2. Rajendra P. Gunjal and Pramodkumar S. Hire Regime characteristics of rainfall of the Nashik District (Maharashtra, India) Sustainable rural
development with inclusive approach  
Junnar, Pune

3-5 Dec. 2012

3. Rajendra P. Gunjal and Pramodkumar S. Hire Assessment of variability of rainy days over the Tapi Basin Natural calamities and its management in India

Kadegaon, Sangli

5-7 Dec. 2014

4. Rajendra P. Gunjal and Pramodkumar S. Hire Rainfall distribution in the Tapi Basin during 1901-2004 Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Geographic Research
(ISSN: 2394-2649)

Pimpalgaon, Nashik


19-20 Dec. 2014

5. Rajendra Gunjal   Scenario and challenges of changing environment and biodiversity Saykheda, Tal-Niphad Feb.2018
6.  Rajendra Gunjal  Variability of Extreme Rainfall Events over the Tapi Basin from Central Western India in Climate Change Scenario. National Web Conference on Environment, Development and Livelihood: Sustaining Earth and People. S.P.P. University, Pune  10-12 June 2021


 Conference/ Workshop Attended :

Sr. No Name of the Conference/ Symposium / Workshop International/ National Place Date Paper / poster Presentations (Give Title) / attended

 Major/ Minor Research Project :

Sr. No Name of the faculty Title of Project and File No. Name of funding agency Grant received (Rs) Minor/ Major Period
  - - - - Nil


 Other :

Academic Affiliations / Membership of Profession Bodies :

  1. Life member of Maharashtra Bhugolshastra Parishad, Pune.

Extra Curricular & Other Activities :

  1. Working as Assistant Program Officer of National Service Scheme (N.S.S).
Visitor Number:

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