एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Faculty Profile

Faculty Name :
Dr. R.B. Andhale
Specialization :
Zoology (Genetics)
Date Of Birth :
Email :
Phone :
Mobile :
Address :
135, Shivaji Road, Khambale, Tal- Sinnar Dist- Nashik.

  Qualification :

Sr. No Degree University / Institution Grade Year of Passing Specialization
1 B.Sc. Savitribai Phule Pune University 68.2% 2005 Zoology
2 M.Sc.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
58.2% 2007 Zoology (Genetics)
3 M.Phil.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
'O' 2013 Zoology
4 Ph.D.  Savitribai Phule Pune University Awarded 2020 Zoology
Savitribai Phule Pune University
- 2017 Lifesciences
5 Bee Course SWRS, Arizona, USA A 2017 Entomology


 Experience :

Name  & Address of Employer Post Held Period of service Nature of Duties
MVP'S: KRT Arts, BH Commerce and AM Science (K.T.H.M.) college, Nashik Assistant Professor  10th July 2019 to till date UG & PG Teaching 
Fergusson College, Pune Assistant Professor 25th July 2018 to 30th April 2019

Clock Hour Basis (C.H. B)

MVP'S: KAANMS Arts, Commerce and Science college, Satana, Nashik Lecturer 1st September 2008 to 31st August 2010 Contract basis
MVP'S: KAANMS Arts, Commerce and Science college, Satana, Nashik  and Lecturer 28th June 2008 to 31st July 2008
Clock Hour Basis (C.H. B)

MVP'S: KAANMS Arts, Commerce and Science college, Satana, Nashik

Lecturer  10th July 2007 to 30th April 2008 Clock Hour Basis (C.H. B)


 Papers In International Refereed Journals :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1.  Ramnath Andhale, Vishal Pathare, Kalpana Pai, R.S. Pandit, Matthew Skeels and Aswini Pai
Composition and Nutrition of wild bee in solanum melongena L.Agroecosystem in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research

10 03 2023 115-126
2  Torawane Sarika, Andhale Ramnath B, Pandit Radhakrishna S, Phuge Samadhan K
Screening of some weed extracts for ovicidal and larvicidal activities against dengue vector Aedes
Journal of basic and Applied Zoology 83 1 2021 1-9

Andhale Ramnath B, Pai A , Pai K ,Pandit R S

Recapitulation of genus Dinogamasus
mite (acri/mesostimata:laelapidae ) on carpenter bee from India, with description of a new species.
Journal of Critical Review 7 3 2020 980-986
4 Andhale Ramnath B, Syed Abrar Ahmed, Lodha Sangita, Wankhade V W
Functions and Physiological Complications in Pediatric Thalassemia Patients of Indian Origin.
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 23 3 2019 857-867
5 Samadhan Phuge, K.P. Dinesh, Ramnath Andhale, Kalyani Bhakare and Radhakrishna Pandit A new species of Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915 (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from the northern Western Ghats parts of Maharashtra, India Zootaxa 4544 2 2019 251-261
6 VarshaWankhade, Andhale R B and SangitaLodha  Diverse Clinical manifestations in Sickle Cell Anemia: study in District Amravati, MS India
J Blood Disorders Transf 4 1 2013 1-4
7 Andhale RB, Sangita Lodha and Varsha Wankhade Renal Physiological Status of Sickle Cell Anemic Patients, District Amravati,MS India. J Blood Disorders Transf 5 2 2013 188-190
8 Varsha W Wankhade, Andhale R B and Sangita Lodha Prediction of physiological status of sickle cell anemic patients by quantitative  observation of microscopic components of Urine Trends In Medical Research 8 1 2012 27-31


 Papers In National Refereed Journals :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Varsha W Wankhade, Andhale R B and SangitaLodha Microscopic Investigations of     Urine of Sickle Cell Anemic Patients. International Journal of Zoology And Research 3 1 2013 1-7


 Papers In International Conference :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Ramnath Andhale, Kalpana Pai,Aswini Pai and Pandit RS Native Bee Diversity in Green patches of Pune, Maharashtra Young Ecologist Talk and InteractionYeti Amity University, Noida, UP

17th-20th  January 2016

2 Ramnath Andhale, Kalpana Pai,Aswini Pai and Pandit RS Bee foraging Behaviour around Pune Agricuture Ecosystem, Maharashtra Role of Basic Science  87th Annual Session of the Academy (NASI) and SPPU 8 th- 10th December 2017
3 Ramnath Andhale, Kalpana Pai,Aswini Pai and Pandit RS Abundance and distribution pattern of sweet bees in agro-ecosystem of Pune , Maharashtra HARMONY- 2017 Kakatiya University, Warangal (TS) 21st- 23rd December 2017
4. Ramnath AndhaleSagar Pardhi  and Pandit RS Floral biology and Pollination efficiency of Dolichos bean Meeting on Pollinator researchers in Asia University of Calcutta 27th -29th February 2020


 Papers In National Conferenc :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Ramnath Andhale, Kalpana Pai,Aswini Pai and Pandit RS Native Bees Diversity in Pune (M.S.) National Conference KAANMS, College, Satana Nashik 5th- 6th February 2016


Pooja Roham, Jyoti Singh and Ramnath Andhale Study of pesticides residue and pollinator diversity in Pomegranate National Conference on Pollinators of food security Department of Zoology, Central University, Perie, Kerala.  7-9 January 2025


 Conference/ Workshop Attended :

Sr. No Name of the Conference/ Symposium / Workshop International/ National Place Date Paper / poster Presentations (Give Title) / attended
1. National workshop on Bee taxonomy of India National Zoological Survey of India 3rd- 5th March 2020 Attended 
2.  Recent trends in enviromental Scieces and Management  International KRT Arts, BH Commerce and AM Science (KTHM) College, Nashik  6th and 7th July 2021 Attended 


 Patents :


 Major/ Minor Research Project :

Sr. No Name of the faculty Title of Project and File No. Name of funding agency Grant received (Rs) Minor/ Major Period
1 Dr. Ramnath Baban Andhale Pollination efficacy and Diversity of bees pollinators an important for crops economy Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 2,67,000/- Mentoship


 Books Published :

Sr. No Author Name Title/Chapter in Book Edition Publisher ISBN/ISSN
1 Andhale Ramnath Baban,Kakulte Vikram R,Yeole Ashok K,Bhagat Anirudha P F.Y. B.Sc. (CBCS-2019) Zoology Practical Book (Zo-113) 1 Vision 978-93-5016-472-3
2 Andhale Ramnath Baban,Kakulte Vikram R,Yeole Ashok K,Bhagat Anirudha P F.Y. B.Sc. (CBCS-2019) Zoology Practical Book (Zo-123) 1 Vision  978-81-9446-204-0
3 Andhale Ramnath Baban,Kakulte Vikram R,Yeole Ashok K,Bhagat Anirudh P S.Y. B.Sc. (CBCS-2019) Practical Hand book 1 Vision 978-81-94690-8-3
4 Andhale Ramnath Baban,Kakulte Vikram R,Tidame Savita K,Handore Amol R S.Y. B.Sc.(CBCS-2019) Animal Diversity-IV 1 Vision 978-93-90646-19-7
5 Andhale Ramnath Baban,Kakulte Vikram R,Handore Amol R,Tambe Ram S S.Y. B.Sc. (CBCS-2019) Zoology-IV 1 Vision  978-93-0646-20-3


 Course Conducted :

I] F.Y. B.Sc. 

1. Zo-111 Animal Diversity -I

2. Zo- 112 Animal Diversity-II

3. Zo-113 Zoology Practical I

4. Zo. 123 Zoology Practical II

II] S.Y.B.Sc. 

1. ZY-222 Applied Zoology-I

2. ZY-223 Zoology Practical I

3. ZY-243 Zoology Practical II

III] T.Y. B. Sc. 

1. ZY-344 Organic Evoluaion 

2. Zo-354 Genetics

4. Zo-361 Medical and Forensic Zoology

IV] M.Sc.-I

1. ZODT-114 Biostatistics

2. ZODP- 114 Biostatistics 

3. ZOO 510 MJ Biostatistical application 

V] M.Sc.-II

1. ZODT-244 Apiculture 

2. ZODP- 244 Appiculture

3. ZOUT- 241 Genetics I

4. ZOUP-241 Genetics I

5. ZOO 601MJ Genetics I 

6. ZOO 651 MJ Genetics II

 Other :

Best LMS Coordinator Award : Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 10th July 2021

Best E-Content Creator faculty Award (Interdisciplinary) , Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 17th March 2022

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