Honors/ Awards
1) Awarded "Best Teacher Award" on 15th Sept.2018. by Apurv(Bhau)Hire Mitra Mandal, Nashik.
2) Awarded "Academic Excellence Award 2020 by Institute of Scholars, New Delhi.
3) Awarded "State level Best Teacher Award 2020" on 16 Feb.2021 by Human Resource Devt. Lokseva Academy, Mumbai.
4)Awarded "Best Teacher Award- 2021" by Sarvajanik Vachanalay, Nashik(SAVANA), on 24 October 2021.
5)Awarded "Incredible Academician of India" by Record Owner dated 15 January 2022
6)Awarded "SLS Best Scientist Award" by Society of Life Sciences, Satna, Madhya Pradesh
Resource Person :
1)Delivered speech on Biodiversity: Importance and Conservation on 10 th January 2018 in State level Seminar organized by Dept. of Zoology, Arts,
Science and Commerce college, Surgana.
2)Delivered a guest lecture for bridge course on 17 August 2018 Organized by Dept. of Zoology, K.V.N. Naik Shikshan Prasark Santha's Arts, Science
and Commerce College, Canada Corner, Nashik 2
3)Delivered lecture on Basic Zoology arranged on 30 August 2019 at 12..pm by K.K.Wagh Education Society's Arts, Commerce and Science College,
Panchavati, Nashik 3.
4)Delivered lecture on "Genetics and Ecology" on Wednesday 24/2/2021 during 4 to 6 pm organized under DBT Scheme by Dept of Biotechnology,
Ahemednagar Jilha Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj's New Arts, Science and Commerce College, Ahemednagar 414001.
5)Delivered lecture as a Resource Person for a one day National Webinar on "Balanced diet and Health Issues during Pandemic Covid-19" Organized
by J.A.T. Arts, Science and Commerce College(For Women), Malegaon, 423203. dated 6 April 2021.
6)Delivered lecture as a Resourse Person for the webinar on "Snake Awareness"held on 26 August 2021 organized by Pravara Rural Education Society's
Arts. Science and Commerce College, Kolhar.
Subject Expert :
1)Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir dated 9/7/2019 on 10.00 am Place : L.V.H. College, Panchavati.
2)Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj dated 5 July 2021 on 11.00am Place: M.V.P's College of Education, Nashik
Felloships :
1)Society of Entomology and Zoology Research(F.S.E.Z.R.) 31/12/2019
2)Society of Life Sciences(F.S.L.Sc.)
Life Membership
Life membership of Indian Science Congress
Syllabus Framing Workwhop :
Attended Workshop on "New revised Syllabus of T.Y.B.Sc. Zoology SPPU Pune" on 08 Sept. 2021 organized by Department of Zoology
Prof. Ramakrishna More Arts, Commerce and Science College, Akurdi, Pune-44