एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Faculty Profile

Faculty Name :
Dr. S.M. Magdum
Specialization :
Zoology (Entomology)
Date Of Birth :
Email :
Phone :
Mobile :
Address :
Flat no 10, Gurusneh Apts , Opposite Vidyut Bhavan, Pratik Arcade, Bytco point, Nashik Road, Dist Nashik ,Pin 422101

  Qualification :

Sr. No Degree University / Institution Grade Year of Passing Specialization
1. BSc University of Poona Ist class with Distinction April 1991 Zoology
2. MSc University of Poona Ist class May 1993 Zoology(Entomology)
3. PhD Dr Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, MP - Dec 1999 Life Sciences
4. FSLSc Society of Life Science,Satna, MP - 2008 Life Sciences
5 MZSI Zoological Society of India, Bodh Gaya - 2014 Life Sciences
6 FLS The Linnean Society of London   2020 Life Sciences




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 Experience :


Name  & Address of Employer Post Held Period of service Nature of Duties

K T H M College, Nashik

  12th Jan 2024 till date Teaching

Arts Commerce and Science College, Dindori,Nashik

Asst. Prof and Head 1st Feb 2023-11 Jan 2024 Teaching and Administration

KTHM College,Nashik

Asst Prof 4th Jan 2006 -31st Jan 2023 Teaching

S.Nijalingappa  College, Bangalore , Karnataka state ,India

Lecturer 21st Aug. 2000 – Jan 2nd 2006 Teaching

NES Ratnam College of Arts Science and Commerce,Bhandup(west), Mumbai  Maharashtra state, India

Lecturer 14th July 1999 – 30th  April 2000 Teaching


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 Papers In International Refereed Journals :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Pranil Jagdale , Sujata Magdum, Aparna Kalawate, Swapnil Kajale and Yogesh Shouche First DNA barcode and male genitalial studies of a dung beetle, Heliocopris gigas, (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Western Ghats of India https://zenodo.org/records/10535496 Halters 14 1 2023 40-45
2 Pranil Jagdale, Sujata Magdum, Aparna Kalawate, Swapnil Kajale, Yogesh Shouche First record and DNA barcode of a scarab beetle, Adoretus kanarensis Arrow, 1917 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Rutelinae), from Maharashtra, Indiahttps://doi.org/10.11609/jott.8439.15.6.23425-23430 Journal of threatened Taxa 15   2023 23425-23430
3 Prajakta A Dhage, Archana A. Sharbidre  , Sujata M. Magdum Interlacing the relevance of caspase activation in the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Brain Research Bulletin 192 6 2023 83-92
4 Aditi Sunil Shere-Kharwar;Sujata Magdum;G D Khedkar;Supriya Singh Gupta Diversity patterns and seasonality of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra India Journal of threaten texa 14 11 2022 22105-22117
5 Pranil Jagdale, Nilesh Mharsale , Rhushikesh Gotarne,Sujata Magdum  Extraction and characterization of chitin from granary weevil, Sitophilus granaries L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Arthropods 11 4 2022 176-185
6 Nikam G. B., Desai A. E, Magdum  Effect of Murraya koenigii extracts on culex quinquefaciatus larvae Bioinfolet 18 3 2021 355-357
7 Sujata Magdum,Navnath Dalvi and Supriya Vivek Effect of Plumbagin Juglone and menadione on Dysdercus cingulatus Fab. (Pyrrhocoridae: Heteroptera) Bioinfolet 17 4A 2020 554-557
11 S.Singh-Gupta, Magdum S and Jawale CS Acute toxicity of menadione on DNA content in the gonads of Dysdercus cingulatus Trends in life Science 9 2 2020 01-Apr
12 Rajashri Shinde and Sujata Magdum  Investigation of Biological efficacy of Napthoquinone - Lawsone on Boisea coimbatorensis (Rhopalidae) International journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 6 2 2019 821-828
13 Singh-Gupta S and Magdum S Menadione induced changes in total protein content of different organs in red cotton bug, Dysdercus cingulatus ((Pyrrhocoridae: Heteroptera) Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research 9 2 2019 103-109
14 Sujata Magdum and Poonam Pawar Effect of Tetrahydroxy-P-Benzoquinone on Reproduction performance of Dysdercus cingulatus (Hemiptera: Pyrrochoridae). International Journal of creative research thoughts Care List no 49023(18) 6 2 2018 668-677
15 Singh-Gupta S, Magdum S and Valenge G Acute toxicity and behavioral response of, Gambusia affinis (a non-target organism) to Menadione, a Synthetic analogue of a natural insecticide (Plumbagin) International Journal of creative research thoughtsCare List no 49023(18) 6 2 2018 598-612
16  Pranil Jagdale and Sujata Magdum Diversity and abundance of Coleopteran insects belonging to family Scarabaeidae, Geotrupidae, Hybosoridae from Nashik, Maharashtra,India.  International journal of Engineering Development and Research 5 4 2017 413-420
17 S Gupta ,Sujata Magdum and A Shere-Kharwar Effectiveness of menadione, a synthetic analogue of a natural plant derived compound –plumbagin (bio- pesticides), as insecticide on red cotton bug Dysdercus cingulatus Fab. (Hemiptera: Pyrhocoridae) Insect Environment (a supplement of Current Biotica), 20 4 2015 111-122
18 Parashare V., Magdum S and Kshirsagar,R Isolation and characterization of bacterial spp. from cockroaches-Periplaneta Americana trapped from the civil hospital Nashik Bionanofrontier 3 1 2010 77-80
19 Banerjee,S.Kalena G P.,Magdum S and Banerjee,A . Chemosterilant activity of naturally occurring Quinones and their analogues on red cotton bug,D.koenigii Journal of Applied Entomology, Berlin 125   2001 589-596
20 Banerjee S; Kalena GP.,Magdum S., and Banerjee,A Insect growth regulatory activities of naturally occurring Quinones and their derivatives in D.koenigii Journal of Applied Entomology, Berlin 125   2001 25-30







 Papers In National Refereed Journals :

Sr . No

Name of Author(s)

Full Title of the Paper

Journal Name

Volume No

Issue No.

Year of Publication

From Page To Page (pp)


Sujata Magdum and Mrinmayee Data

Effect of plumbagin on midgut amylase in Dysdercus cingulatus Fab. (Heteroptera: Pyrrochorridae)

GAU Research Journal






 Sonal Patil and Sujata Magdum 

Insight into wing venation in butterflies belonging to families Papilionidae, Nymphalidae and Pieridae from Dang Dist Gujarat, 

India Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies; 






Sujata Magdum and Navnath Dalvi

Assessing toxic effect of Mercuric chloride on Protein profile in fresh water crab Barytelphusa gureini

Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences

           2016 special issue






S Gupta and Sujata Magdum

Repercussion of menadione, a synthetic substitute of natural insecticide plumbagin on the histopathology of ovary and brain of Dysdercus 

Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences 

         2016 special issue       





Sujata Magdum and Rajashri Shinde

Cytotoxic Response to Heavy Metal Pollution in Study of Polytene Chromosomes in Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae)

Journal of Basic Sciences






Sujata Magdum and Seema Gupta

Effect of tetra hydroxyl-ρ-benzoquinone on growth and metamorphosis of Spodoptera litura Fabr. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae

Acta Biologica indica






S.Singh Gupta; S. Magdum and A. S. Shere-Kharwar

Menadione, a non-natural derivative of Plumbagin as reproductive inhibitor for the red cotton stainer, Dysdercus cingulatus

Life Science Bulletin






A. S. Shere-Kharwar ; S. Magdum; G. D. Khedkar;  S. Gupta; V. Zambare

Moth legs:  excellent source of tissue for DNA extraction (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Indian J.L.Sci






Supriya Gupta,Sujata Magduma , Shere-Kharwar,Aditiand Malik S

Evaluation of Tagetes erecta induced changes in protein levels of gonads and fat bodies in Dysderdus cingulatus.,

Life Science Bulletin






A. S. Shere-Kharwar ; S Magdum; S Singh Gupta; R Patil

Effect of preservation processes on DNA content in Eurema hecabe (Lepidoptera: pieridae).

National Journal of Life Science






A. S. Shere-Kharwar and S. Magdum

Assessment Of Different Body Parts For Serving As Most Preferred Tissue For DNA Isolation In Moths (Lepidoptera : Sphingidae)

Life Science Bulletin






Magdum,  S. and Banerjee, S.

Effects of menadione on growth and  metamorphosis in Dysdercus koenigii (Pyrrhocoridae : Heteroptera )

Life  Science Bulletin






Magdum,  S. and Banerjee, S.

Effects of plumbagin on the reproduction   performance in Dysdercus koenigii Fabr 

Life Science Bulletin






Smita Banerjee, Sujata Magdum

Mode of action of quinones as potential insect pest control agents

Perspectives in animal ecology and reproduction






Magdum S and Banerjee S

A new insect  chemosteritant from Juglans regia (Juglandaceae) Linn

Indian J. Environ. and Toxicol






 Papers In International Conference :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Sujata Magdum,Navnath Dalvi,Pranil Jagdale and Supriya Gupta

Quantitative analysis of Juvenile hormone using electro spray ionization- mass spectroscopy in haemolymph of Plumbagin treated Dysdercus cingulatus (heteroptera)

International conference on Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary approach (ICSRMA) 2022 at Kattankulathur Tamil Nadu

Online mode 13th-14th July 2022
2 Sujata Magdum and Rajashri Shinde

Hormetic like effect of Lawsone on life expectancy in fourth and fifth instar nymphs of Boisea coiimboterensis

International e-Conference on Recent advances in fresh water aquaculture Rafa-2021 Online mode

21st-22ndJan 2021

3 Sujata Magdum and Guari Sahane Quantification of lipids in different organs of Mercuric chloride treated fresh water crab, Barytelphusa guerini (Milne Edwards,1853) International e-Conference on Sustainable Development: A Biological and Socioeconomical Perspectives Online mode 21st-22ndJan 2021
4 Sujata Magdum and Sonal Patil Butterflies belonging to family pieridae fromVansda national park, Dang Gujarat,India International e-Conference on Sustainable Development: A Biological and Socioeconomical Perspectives Online mode 21st-22ndJan 2021
5 Sujata Magdum Effect of Tetra-hydroxy-benzoquinone on protein and carbohydrate content in fat bodies of Red cotton bug, Dysdercus cingulatus Fabr.(Hemiptera International E-conference on Strategies and challenges in Higher Education during COVID -19 Lockdown period in India with reference to World Online mode 15th-17th May 2020
6 Sujata Magdum and Mrinmayee Datar Histopathological studies in midgut of Plumbagin treated Dysdercus cingulatus Fabr. (Heteroptera: Pyrrochoroidae) International conference on recent Advances in Life Sciences for Betterment of environment and human Health (ICRALBEH-2019)   14th-15th Dec 2019


 Papers In National Conferenc :


Sr. No

Name of Author(s)

Full Title of the Paper

Conference Name

Conference held at

Duration of Conference


Magdum,  S. and Gupta,S

Effect of Tetrahyroxy benzoquinone on growth and metamorphosis of Spodoptera litura Fabr.( Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae

Innovative approaches and modern technologies for crop productivity, food safety and environmental sustainability 

Trissur , kerela

19th and 20th Nov 2012


Magdum,  S. and Banerjee, S.  “

 Effect of Menadione on growth and metamorphosis  in Dysdercus koenigii  (Hemiptera)

23rd  National conference of The Indian society for comparative animal Physiology on Frontiers in Applied Animal sciences”


Oct 16th -18th ,2006


Magdum, S. and Banerjee, S. 

Histopathological alteration induced by two naturally occuring Quinones in the  ovary of Dysdercues  Koenigii  Fabr. (Pyrrhocoridae, heteroptera).

National symposium on the modern trends in Entomological Researches in India

Dept.  of Zoology,  Dr.  H.S.  Gour Univ Sagar

Feb. 21 - 23, 1999


Yadu,  N. Magdum, S. and Banerjee, S.

A. synthetic Quinone derivative as a insect pest control agent in Dysdercus similis   freeman (Pyrrhocoridae, heteroptera)

National symposium on the modern trends in Entomological Researches in India

Dept. of Zoology, Dr.  H.S. Gour Uni,  Sagar

Feb. 21 - 23, 1999





Yadu, N. Magdum, S. and Banerjee, S.



Chemosterilant Activity of a natural product Gossypol in the red cotton bug Dysdercus similis  freeman (Pyrrhocoridae, heteroptera)



National symposium on the modern trends in Entomological Researches in  India

Dept. of Zoology, Dr.  H.S. Gour Univ. Sagar

Feb.  21 - 23,1999



Magdum, S. and Banerjee, S.


Quinones as potential insect pest control agents

National Symposium on “Emerging trends in Biotechnological Applications for Integrated pest Management”  Entomological Research Institute,

Loyola College, Chennai, 600 034

 Feb. 25 - 26; 29, 1999



Banerjee, S.,  Magdum, S. and Yadu, N.



Inhibitory effects of 5-Acetyl-6-  hydroxy chromene-A novel precocenoid compound on reproduction of D. Koenigii (Pyrrhocoridae,  heteroptera)  



National seminar on “Interdisciplinary Areas of Science and Technology :  Present and Future”, 

Department of Zoology, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar

March 21-22,  1998



Banerjee, S.  and Magdum,  S.


Benzoisoxazoles as controlling agents for red cotton bug,  Dysdercus similis Freeman (Pyrrhocoridae, heteroptera). 

17th Ann. Sess. AEB and Nat.  Symp. “Environmental Management of Semi and tropics with special reference to developing rural areas”, 

M.D.  University,  Rohtak

Nov. 16-18, 1996


Magdum, S. and Banerjee, S. 

Chromenes as growth controlling agents in Dysdercus koenigii Fabr. 

National Conference on  “Environmental Pollution and their  Chain reactions”.

Department  of Zoology, University of Sagar,

Feb.  16-18,  1996



Magdum, S. and  Banerjee, S.




  Plumbagin and related Quinone compounds as controlling  agents for Dysdercus koenigii (Pyrrhocoridae, heteroptera).  


16th Ann. Sess. AEBIndia and Symposium “Chemopollutants and substainable Ecosystem”. 

A.P. Agricultural University, Hyderabad,     

 Nov.  23-25, 1995.



 Conference/ Workshop Attended :

Sr. No Name of the Conference/ Symposium / Workshop International/ National Place Date Paper / poster Presentations (Give Title) / attended

National Symposium on Innovative Approaches and Modern Technologies for Crop Productivity,Food Safety and Environmental Sustainability  


Society for Applied Biotechnology , Tamil Nadu

19th and 20th Nov 2012



National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Biotechnological Applications  for Integrated  pest management  


 Entomology Research Institute, Loyola College, Chennai


 25th and 26th Feb 1999.



23rd National conference of the Indian Society for Comparative animal Physiology on “Frontiers in Applied Animal sciences” 


Dept.of Zoology, Shivaji  University, Kolhapur

16th-18th Oct 2006.



State level conference on Management of Mosquito Borne Disease


 Centre for  Applied  Genetics ,Bangalore University

4th & 5th Oct 2002






 Patents :

Sr. No

Patent Application No.

Title of the Patent

Patent Granted / Published

Patent Published date/ Granted Date

Patent Publication No./ Granted No.

Name of the All Contributor should mentioned as per Patent Document



A new source of chitin from rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae l




Pranil Jagdale, Nilesh Mharsale

Avinash Sonawane

Sunil Patil , Aishwarya Zope Sujata Magdum



A new nuclear stain from leaves of Terminalia catappa l




Sujata Magdum,

Sharad Kambale Rhushikesh Gotarne ,

Pranil  Jagdale

Copy Right

Sr. No

Copy Right Application No.

Title of the Copy Right

Copy right Granted Date



Mango Stem borer intelligent device




 Ph.D. Guidance :

(a) Ph.D. Guidance

Sr . No

Name of Student

Full Title of the Thesis

Year of Completion

Co-supervisor (if any)


Mrs Supriya Singh Gupta

Investigations on effect of  Menadione on Red cotton bug, Dysdercus cingulatus Fabr,
(Pyrrhocoridae: Heteroptera)




Ms Aditi Shere

Taxonomical study of Family Spingidae and Noctuidae(Lepidoptera: Heteroptera) using Barcoding , in Nashik District




Ms Mrinmayee Datar

Establishing structure activity co-relation in Plumbagin, Juglonae and Menadione treated Dysdercus cingulatus (Hemiptera: Pyrrochoridae)



       4       Mrs Vibhavari Parashare Studies on the Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic activity of Processed and Unprocessed Curcuma longa Linn on white albino rats”                     2021         Dr Shishir Pande
       5      Mrs Gitanjali Nikam Studies of some selected herbal extracts on Culex spp. (Diptera: Culicidae)”                     2022  Dr A E Desai


Mrs Sonal Patil

Biodiversity of Butterflies from Dang Dist Gujrat



(b) M Phil. Guidance

Sr . No

Name of Student

Full Title of the Thesis

Year of Completion

Co-supervisor (if any)

1 Mr Pranil Jagdale Study of Beetle (Coleoptera) diversity using DNA Barcoding from Nashik,Maharashtra 2018 NIL
2 Ms rajashri Shinde Effect of 2,3 dihydroxybenzoquinone on Spodoptera litura 2020 NIL
3 Mr Navnath Dalvi Analysis of Juvenile hormone and Ecdysteroid titer in Plumbagin, Juglone and Menadione treated Dystercus cingulatus(Pyrrocoridae: Heteroptera) 2020 NIL


 Major/ Minor Research Project :


Sr. No.

Principal Investigator

Title of the project

Minor/ major

Funding Agency


Amount Sanctioned


Dr. S.M. Magdum

Analysis of Juvenile hormone and ecdysteiod titre in Plum-bagin, juglone and menadione treated Dysdercus cingulatus (Pyrrhocoridae: Heteroptera).






Dr. S.M. Magdum

Investigations on effects of Plumbagin & some related compounds on midgut enzymes in Dysdercus cingulatus (Pyrrhocoridae : Heteroptera)







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 Books Published :




Sr. No

Title of Books/ Chapter


Name of the Publisher

Month Year



State / National



Biological Chemistry TY BSc (Sem V) ZO 353

Dr Sujata Magdum

Dr Supriya Gupta

Success Publication





Genetics TY BSc

(Sem V) ZO 354

Dr Sujata Magdum

Dr Supriya Gupta

Success Publication





Molecular Biology TY BSc (Sem VI) ZO 363

Dr Sujata Magdum

Success Publication





Animal Diversity II

Text book for FY BSc (Sem II, CBCS Pattern)

Dr Sujata Magdum

Dr Supriya Gupta

Dr Avinash Sonawane

Success Publication





Animal Diversity I

Text book for FY BSc (CBCS Pattern)

Dr Sujata Magdum

Dr Supriya Gupta

Dr Avinash Sonawane

Success Publication





Practical Handbook of Zoology


Dr Sachin Gurule

Ms Prajakta Dhage

Dr Sujata Magdum

Dr Sunil Patil

Success Publication




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 Course Conducted :

Since 2006 till date

1. F Y B Sc. Animal Systematic and Diversity I and II

2. T Y B Sc. Biochemistry(Sem I)

3. T Y B Sc Cell Biology

4. T Y B Sc Y B.Sc. Genetics and Molecular Biology (Sem II)

5. T Y B Sc Histology of Mammals

6. T Y B Sc ZY 348 Practical course

7. T Y B Sc ZY 349 Practical course

8. M Sc. I Biochemistry I ( Sem I)

9. M Sc. I Biochemistry I Practical

10. M Sc I Cell Biology

11. M Sc I Cell Biology Pracical

12. M Sc. I Biochemistry II

13. M Sc. I Biochemistry II Practical

14. M Sc I Endocrinology

15. M Sc I Endocrinology Practical

16. M Sc. I Molecular Biology

17. M Sc. I Molecular Biology Practical

18. M Sc. II Research Methodology

19. M Sc. II Immunology

20. M Sc. II Immunology Practical

21. M Sc. II Mammalian Reproductive Physiology

22. M Sc. II Mammalian Reproductive Physiology Practical

23. M Sc. II Pollution Biology

24. M Sc. II Pollution Biology Practical

25. M Sc. II Research Project 

 Other :



         Biology  text book for XIth std., published by Maharashtra state board of 

         secondary  and higher secondary education ,Pune(2011)


         Biology  text book for XIth std., published by Maharashtra state board of 

         secondary  and higher secondary education ,Pune(2009)

 Text books

  1. Animal Diversity-I
  2. Practical Handbook of Zoology for FYBSc
  3. Animal Systematic and Diversity II and III
  4. Cell Biology
  5. Genetics and Molecular Biology

Honors/ Awards

  1. Awarded Junior & Senior Research Fellowship in  B.R.N.S. (D.A.E.) Project  No.4/493/G/738, 26/05/1993.

         2.    Merit and Endowment prize for standing second   in Entomology in  M.Sc  KTHM college, Nasik, Maharashtra state, India

         3.    Merit and Endowment prize for securing first class with distinction  in Zoology  in B.Sc.  RYK  science college, Nasik, Maharashtra state, India


Life Membership

          Life membership of Indian Immunological Society

          Life membership of Indian Society of Cell Biology

          Life membership of Society of Life Sciences, Satna

          Life membership of Applied Biotechnology, Tamil Nadu

          Life membership of Zoological survey of India, Bodh Gaya

          Life membership of GSBAS, Mumbai

          Life membership of Environment and Social welfare Society, Khajuraho, India


Summer Research Fellowship

   Awarded Summer Research Fellowship organized by IAS,Bangalore, INSA,  New Delhi and NASc Allahabad during 2nd May 2013 to 26th June 2013 at

   CCMB Hyderabad



Practical Training in Molecular Biology at VIT , Vellore , Tamil Nadu (27th May  2009 to 3rd June 2009


Orientation Course

Attended orientation course organized by UGC, on the topic Teaching,  Learning   and Evaluation, at  KTHM college, Nasik on 1st Feb to 28th Feb 2008


Refresher  Course

Attended Refresher Course in Advances in Molecular Biology organised jointly by IAS, Bangalore,INSA, New Delhi and NASc Prayagraj at IISc Bangalore on 28th Jan-10th Feb 2019

 Attended refresher course in life sciences organized by UGC,  at  KTHM college,  Nasik on 27th Sept to 14th Oct 2009


Resource person

  1. Key Resource person  to deliver lecture on  Immunology organized by Maharashtra  State Board of Secondary and higher secondary      

  Education Kolhapur Division at Yashawantrao  Chavan  Institute of Science, Satara, on  1st to 3rd Aug 2007.

         2.  Delivered Lectures on Basics of Immunology at Pandit B.Vyas College, Ajani, Nagpur organized by Maharashtra  State Board of Secondary

             and higher  secondary  Education , Nagpur Division ,on  30th Aug    2007

       3. Resource Person for discussion on Immunology at HSC level at Panchavati   College, Nasik on 18th Sept 2007.

      4. Delivered lecture on “Advances in Immunology” at MSG arts, Science &   Commerce College, Malegaon on 26th Dec 2007.



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