एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Cadets Corner





  • a) Citizen of India or a subject of Nepal.
  • b) Bearing good moral character.
  • c) Enrolled in an educational institution.
  • d) Meets the prescribed medical standards.
  • e) Age
    • Senior Division/Wing (Boys/Girls) - Upto 26 years
  • f) Enrolment Period
    • Senior Division/Wing (Boys/Girls) - 3 years


a) A student desirous of being enrolled in the Senior Division shall apply to the Principal/Officer Commanding of the College NCC Unit in the prescribed form.

b) There is provision for students desirous of enrolling in NCC even from educational institutions that are not enlisted as NCC sub-units. In this provision of ‘Open Category’, the student needs to approach the Commanding Officer of the nearest NCC Unit for further guidance.

The students can thus avail NCC training from institutions that are already NCC sub-units, subject to following conditions:-

i) The educational institution in which the student is studying should not be having NCC.

ii) The educational institution in which the student is desirous of undergoing NCC training should be placed under an NCC unit that has been declared an “Open Unit” by the Competent Authority.
This scheme assists in extending Senior Division/Senior Wing coverage to those 10+2 schools which have only Junior Division functioning in those schools and Senior Division unit cannot be allotted due to some reason or the other. Further, it lends an opportunity to those certificate holders, who wish to obtain ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificates and do not have NCC in their colleges.


  • 1) A student desirous of being enrolled in the Senior Division shall apply to the Officer commanding the unit.
  • 2) The Officer to whom an application under sub-rule (1) has been made, shall cause the applicant to fill up and sign in his presence a statement in Form I.


When an application is made to a Commanding Officer under rule 7, he/she shall satisfy himself/herself that the application is in proper form and that the applicant fulfils the conditions of enrolment specified in rule 5 or 6, as the case may be. The Commanding Officer may make such further enquiry regarding the suitability of the applicant for enrolment in the unit or part thereof in which he desires to be enrolled, as may be prescribed in this behalf, by the State Government.


If the Commanding Officer is satisfied that the application is in order, and that the applicant fulfils the conditions of enrolment and that he is suitable for enrolment in the unit or part thereof in which he desires to be enrolled, he shall cause the applicant to be medically examined.

If the Commanding Officer is not satisfied that the application is in order or that the applicant fulfils the conditions of enrolment or that he is suitable to be enrolled in the unit or part thereof or the applicant is reported to be medically unfit for service in the National Cadet Corps, the Commanding Officer shall reject the application and shall inform the applicant accordingly.


1) If the Commanding Officer does not reject the application, the applicant shall be accepted for enrolment in the Senior Division/Wing, and shall be required to sign a declaration in Form I. If the applicant is a minor, his father or guardian shall also be required to sign a declaration provided in the form.

2) If the Commanding Officer is satisfied that the applicant, or his father or guardian in the case of a minor applicant, understand the questions put to the applicant and consent to the conditions of service, he shall sign a certificate to that effect on the said Form, and the applicant shall thereupon be deemed to have been enrolled.

*NOTE:- Rule means NCC Acts & Rule


Selected NCC Cadets participate in Youth Exchange Programme which is a country to country exchange of cadets belonging to NCC/ equivalent Govt/ youth organizations of friendly countries. They participate in NCC activities of the host country to create an increased awareness and appreciation of each other’s socio- economic and cultural realities. NCC has a vibrant YEP with 11 countries. The benefits of this programme have been widely acknowledged. Our cadets share a strong bond with our YEP partners.


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